Dear Family and Friends.
As you know, Kelly's dream to become a mother has been a very long and painful journey, but a happy ending is right around the corner. In the next six to nine months, Kelly will travel to Ethiopia to bring her son, home. This has been an expensive process for Kelly, who has sacrificed financially in countless ways over many years. To that end, her friends have set up a trust account in her name so that anyone who knows Kelly and wishes to contribute to the "Journey of Love Home" campaign, can do so.
It is 26622 km to Addis Abbaba (where he currently lives) and back to Vancouver and we are suggesting that those who wish to sponsor a portion of the trip. A donation of 38 cents per km would raise $10,000, enough to finalize the adoption, and Kelly’s travel to and from Ethiopia.
A baby shower will be planned for the fall, and all of you are invited to attend (details will follow). We will present Kelly with this fund which will be the group shower gift. Kelly will not need baby gifts, as she has many connections with people who have been saving their baby things for her to use. We stress that THIS IS A SECRET!! Kelly has no knowledge of this entire plan. Please keep the cat IN the bag!!
Should you wish to contribute to this fund, you can do so at any TD Canada Trust bank in person, or online at lovingjourneyhome@gmail.com. The account # is 556 6519564 and the name to use is Beverley Doris Rossner, in trust for Kelly. Contributions can be made anonymously or you can choose to be identified. A weekly update of the funds raised will be sent to all email address provided.
Thank you for considering contributing to this special project. Feel free to forward to anyone that you know would like to help Kelly with her dream.
Any questions please feel free to contact lovingjourneyhome@gmail.com
Bev Rossner
Stephanie Archer
Laurel Charnetski